Wells County Soil & Water Conservation District

117 West Harvest Road • Bluffton, IN 46714 • 260-824-0624 ext. 3

The District works to provide technical, financial, and educational services
to help Wells County land users conserve soil, water, and related natural resources.

USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

SWCD Supervisors


Not pictured

Eric Johnson

Board Chair

Andy Evans

Board Vice Chair

Jarin Tucker (Elected 2021)


Not pictured


Jonathan Patterson


Not pictured

Dustin Arnold



Supervisor Handbook January 2012 (PDF)

Wells Co. SWCD Supervisors

The Wells Co. SWCD board consists of 3 elected and 2 appointed supervisors.  These positions are three-year terms.  Appointed Supervisors are selected based on recommendations from the SWCD and approved by the State Soil Conservation Board.  The elected Supervisors are nominated by the election committee, and the SWCD holds the election at the SWCD Annual meeting to fill the expiring term of the elected Supervisor.

To be nominated as a candidate for the position of elected Supervisor, individuals:

  • must be an occupier of a tract of land that is located within the district (Wells Co.);
  • must maintain his or her permanent residence within the district (Wells Co.); and
  • must be qualified by training or experience to perform the duties that is imposed on supervisors.

At the Supervisor election, during the SWCD Annual Meeting, any individual of voting age or a representative of a firm, company, or corporation that owns or rents land or property within the district (Wells Co.) may vote.  Eligible individuals include the owner and tenant of the same land or property as well as the owner’s or tenant’s spouse.

The Wells Co. Soil & Water Conservation District meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the NRCS/SWCD office, 117. W. Harvest Road, Bluffton, IN.

The agenda is posted at the office location.  The meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend.