117 West Harvest Road • Bluffton, IN 46714 • 260-824-0624 ext. 3
The District works to provide technical, financial, and educational services
to help Wells County land users conserve soil, water, and related natural resources.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Cost Share Programs – The Wells Co. SWCD “Land Improvement Project” provides a cost-share for landowners that install conservation practices on their land.
Wells County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is partnering with Huntington County on a Clean Water Indiana Grant.
Cost Share of $20 per acre for cover crops planted – Maximum of 100 acres.
Cost Share for Equipment Modifications – 75% of actual cost up to $9,000. Must be a move towards conservation tillage.
Preference will be given to those using these Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the first time.
Wells County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), is partnering on a 319 Grant for the Lower Salamonie River Watershed with Blackford, Grant, Huntington, and Wabash counties. The Section 319 Non-point Source Management Grant will provide funding for a variety of Best Management Practices (BMSs) in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 critical areas.
Below is the Cost Share Plan, Brochure, maps of critical area, and application.
Educational Programs & Information: The SWCD promotes the use of environmental education to increase awareness of man’s dependence on soil, water, air, plants, and animals – all our natural resources.
—————————————-FOR SALE—————————————
Fish Sales: Spring and Fall Fish sales are held each year. Click below to view the price list. (2023 Fall Fish Form)
Tree Sales: Spring and Fall Tree sales are held each year. Click here to view the price list. (2023 Fall Tree Form)
Flag Sales: Marking flags; 4″x5″ flag with 36″ wire staff. Available in several colors. 100 Flags are $16.00 tax included, 50 flags are $9.00 tax included. 25 Flags are $5.00 tax included.
DNR Trees – The SWCD also distributes the IDNR tree order forms each fall for orders that will be delivered the following spring. Orders are taken October 1st through May 1st yearly. Orders are placed directly to IDNR Nursery Program. If you order early, you may be eligible for the SWCD provided pick up service early spring (normally in March) from the nursery to our office location in Bluffton (currently $5 per bundle of 100). This is a substantial savings on shipping costs. Call the office if you need help placing your order. Click this link to be directed to IDNR/Forestry
The Wells Co. Soil & Water Conservation District meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at the NRCS/SWCD office, 117. W. Harvest Road, Bluffton, IN.
The agenda is posted at the office location. The meetings are open to the public, and the public is encouraged to attend.